Looking back to look forward
A series of journaling exercises for the new year
Every year I do a series of journaling exercises to reflect on the current year and prepare for the next.
Look back at the year.
For me I create an annual report full of statistics, how many books I read, how many days I wrote, days I exercises, track any habits I’m trying to build, Basically a list of how you spent your days. Do this however you wish. A simple list works well too. After you write it, what is the feeling you have about it? List things that worked well for you and things that really didn’t. What was good and moving you to or deeper in the life you want? What was not?
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
―J.R.R. Tolkien
Look forward.
The intent of this exercise is to set your intentions for next year now arming yourself with what you learned about last year and what you know about yourself.
- Start with a layered journaling exercise. What do you want? Write a list. Now read it over it. Then ask yourself. Okay now what do you really want. And rewrite your list. Read it again. Again ask yourself. Okay but what do you really want. Drill it down until you get to the heart of what you want.
- Look at your list. Are you intentionally using the strengths from last year and addressing what didn’t work last year? If not, adjust.
- Write a list of your core values. Determine if your intentions for the next year line up. They should. If not, adjust a bit.
- Write out your final intentions/goals for the year.
- Pick a word for the year. I love this exercise I got from my friend Tina.
Bonus: A Fun New Years Day activity I learned from author Leigh Bardugo.
Begin As You Mean To Go On: Pick something you want to do more of in the next year. Do it for 15 minutes on New Year’s Day.
All this being said, New Year’s is an arbitrary date though this time always feels reflective to me. But remember you can begin again, anytime.