Comedy series co-written with Brad Gottfred
A traumatic break up between type-A Anna and her deviant fiancé throws a group of friends into a spiraling analysis of their own shitty love lives. Between serial sexting, obsessive masturbation and blurred friendship lines, relationships are fucking hard.
Comps: New Girl for people that like their sitcoms R-rated
In development with Bold Soul Studios
Young Adult superhero series
A sixteen-year-old debutante is having the senior year of her life until one after another of the town’s most obnoxious boys are found ripped into ribbons. She was late to get her period and now the menstrual cramps are terrible, it feels as if a beast is growing inside. Shit. Monstrare is tired of being quiet.
Comps: Heathers meets Let the Right One In
Animated series
Between bingo games and homework, a cookie-baking, secret-agent grandma and tech-genius grandson make a kick-butt CIA team. Armed with Ryan’s custom-made cyberdeck and hard-candy smoke bombs, master-of-disguise Grambo foils plots and protects the world from an evil nemesis.
Based on Beth Navarro’s picture book
Comps: Inspector Gadget meets Scooby Doo